Measurement of quantities other than length

Measurement of quantities other than length should still be considered more like a research field than a routine service where it is possible to measure data and create calibration report with guaranteed uncertainity. Even though at our department there are available practical tools for calibration of various special sensors as well as numerical processing for analysing measured data and many experiences with such measurements, we offer measurements of physical quantities as a form of cooperative research with the customer.

For measurement we can use following devices (in the brackets there are acronyms of measurement methods which can be performed on given device. For more information of the techniques see description of techniques.):

  • microscope Accurex II.L (AFM, MFM, EFM)
  • microscope Explorer (AFM, STM, MFM, EFM, SThM)
  • microscope Aurora (AFM, SNOM)
  • special microscope with range as long as centimeters (AFM, SThM)
  • microscope Dimension Icon (AFM, STM, MFM, EFM, SThM, PeakForceQNM, PeakForceTuna, PFM, nanolitography)

(c) CMI 2012


We invite you to our SPM workshop in Lednice.

We offer a PhD position combined with job offer within MSCA project SPM4.0 and together with BUT


Department of primary nanometrology and technical length
Czech Metrology Institute
Okružní 31, 638 00 Brno