SPM workshop 2025
We coridally invite you to the next SPM workshop that will take place between
23rd and 25th April 2025 at Hotel Lednice, just in front of the
Unesco national heritage monument Lednice castle.
Workshop is organized by Department of primary nanometrology and technical length, Czech Metrology Institute.
The main aim of the workshop is to give an opportunity to meet with all the colleagues
working on SPM fields in Central European region, share results and discuss the novel research topics.
The workshop will consist of set of invited lectures (30 min) and participants oral presentations (15 min).
A social evening programme is organized with financial support of the workshop sponsors.
The workshop will start on Wednesday 23rd April 2025 approximately at 14 p.m. and will finish on Friday 25th April early afternoon.
- Novel SPM modes and devices
- SPM applications for different physical quantities
- Instrumentation development and metrology
- SPM data processing
List of invited speakers
- Georg Fantner, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Teodor Gotszalk, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
The invited speakers list will be continually updated.
Sponsors and exhibitors
- MT-M (main sponzor), representing Bruker, PREVAC and other companies
- Nanosurf
- Park Systems
- Nicolet CZ, representing Neaspec
List of exhibitors will be continually updated.
SPM workshop is also supported by project FW10010168 (IM BEAST), which has received funding from the Technology agency of the Czech Republic and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic as part of the TREND programme.
For accomodation we recommend Hotel Lednice. We expect participants
to book and pay the accomodation by themselves. Please note that the capacity of the hotel is limited (first come, first serve).
Another accomodation possibilies in Lednice are listed on Lednice pages (in Czech only).
Even if Lednice is a small town, there are plenty of possibilities within walking distance from the workshop venue.
Registration will be opened in late January 2025.