Xraytrace documentation

raytracing software for x-ray standing wave calculations

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Computational domain

The calculation is performed on a rectangular domain that is divided into rectangular voxels. Through these voxels the rays are passing, leaving some intensity information there to be accumulated, summed with the other rays or being somehow interpreted.

The first information that needs to be given is the voxel size. This can be in principle different in different directions, which can be useful especially to treat the different sample scale in lateral directions (xy) and z direction. Even if most of the algorithms are not related to any particular sample orientation, some sources are, so we recommend to have the sample oriented with surface normal pointing the z direction.

The following input file example sets the x,y and z voxel size to 1 nm (note that all the quantities are always in base SI units).

1e-9 1e-9 1e-9

Then we need to setup

300 300 200 object.vector mat.table
sphere.vtk sphere.table
computational_domain.1516800712.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/24 14:31 by