Xraytrace is run from console, using a parameter file as argument. Parameter file is a plain text file with some commands (described in the other sections of this documentation) and with links to other files.
A very minimum set needed for a reasonable calculation is shown here. It consist of three files: parameter file, sample geometry definition file and table of material parameters. You can paste the content below to newly created files or you can download them.
POOL 3e-9 3e-9 3e-9 MEDIUM_VECTOR_SAMPLE 100 100 100 test.vector test.table COMP 90.4 90 100 0.359e-9 OUTPUT out.vtk STRIP_OUTPUT 1 SOURCE_METHOD 1 RAYS 1000000 PHASES 2 YBND -1 1 20
4 50 50 40 20 1 8 0 0 0 100 100 20 2
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 99 Ag 0 0 2 99 Si 0 0
Now, run the solver from command line with test.par as an argument. After a while, you should get the results. Open the file out.vtk in Paraview and you should see something like this:
This is nearly all what we can expect - at least for the basic calculation. We get the standing wave distribution within the object and we get a sum of the electric field intensity in each material. Running this for different wavelengths gives us similar information like the experiments.